Once upon a time, a man, Lucien Van den Abeele, was born in 1926 in Kruishoutem. A farmer’s son, he was the eldest of 10 children. Just like his ancestors, he devoted his life to farming. A true lover of the soil, in 1958 in Wallonia, with his wife Alixa, he bought the Bure farm where he was to build his family and his business.
A father of 3 with 6 grandchildren, he passed away too early, leaving behind the memory of his love of work and above all his joie de vivre. In his image, 2 generations later; Thomas, Stany and Antoine decided to set up a cooperative in order to unite their strengths and together create a finished product, thereby aligning themselves with consumer demand.
Indeed, consumers are asking more and more questions about what they eat and, understandably, are demanding more local products, greater transparency and greater sustainability.
Lovers of potatoes and snacks, these 3 Namur farmers decided to respond to all these concerns as a family, thereby turning their own potatoes into home-made crisps. This family project could only have one name, that of their grandfather Lucien.